Character Sketcher:
Your job is to sketch Jenny’s father, George.
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to
your questions and the page and paragraph. Where the answers are
found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:
1 character
1 setting
2 thinking
1 cause/effect
1 on your own
Passage Picker:
Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 scary
1 suspenseful
1 interesting
1 on your own
Word Wizard:
Your job is to choose 5 words:
Dismayed p. 100 par. 3
Welts p. 105 par. 1
Shrieked p. 109 par. 5
Mottle p. 110 par. 2
Dismal p. 124 par. 4
Battered p. 127 par. 4
Your job as investigator is to research
information on hurricanes and answer the questions below. You will
research this website for your information and your answers to the questions.
1. What is a hurricane?
2. How fast does the winds have to go to be considered
a hurricane?
3. How long do hurricanes typically last and
which direction do they typically move?
4. What does the ocean’s temperature need to
at least be for a hurricane to begin? Why?
5. How does investigating hurricanes relate to
the story?
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